American Child Crisis

American Child Crisis began as a response to the ongoing child trauma crisis due to mass gun violence in New York State. Unfortunately, the need for these services pervade cities across the country and the Emerald Sketch has been able to expand and provide local impact for children in need of art therapy trauma response in multiple cities. We have activated in:

  • Brownsville, Brooklyn—provided art therapy workshops for children at the public library

  • Hudson, NY—provide outdoor nature adventures (swimming, nature hikes, sailing, ice skating) that are integrated with art therapy

  • Houston & Santa Fe, Texas—2017, mobilized Creative Arts therapists and mental health workers serving trauma survivors, focusing on migrant families separated at the Border and community trauma following the Santa Fe High School shooting tragedy

  • California—2016-2017, sponsored virtual Immediate Needs Trauma Response Course for California-based Creative Arts therapists responds to the wildfires

  • Charleston, SC—2015, community outreach and trauma response to the Emanuel AME Church shooting tragedy            


Black Children Matter


Weapons of Mass Healing